I don’t really care if my work is considered art – it is what it is. The objects are not created with a particular audience in mind – and certainly not with a particular market in mind. They are meant to help me gain a different perspective on the world, to gain at least minimal access to reality. For me, the preferred means of achieving this are juxtapositions and alienation effects.
Work samples Punx not dead (Urtyp), 2022; 27 x 8 x 41 cm; inkjet print of digital photo (2019) on foam board, lacquer, beer can tray Untitled (Planet B) 2022; 48cm x 28cm x 6cm; inkjet print of scanned instant photo (2021) on cardboard, lacquer, cleaning cloth, map, shipping box.Untitled (The Black Square) 2022; 70cm x 130cm; print of digital photo (2021) on foam board, black foam board.The Artist is absent object and performance, 2019; body print on chair, emulsion paint, lacquerIdeal landscape with nude 2022; inkjet prints of digital photos (2019, 2021) on foam board, lacquer, cardboardIt’s the economy, stupid! 2019; Papier-mâché, Financial Times, paste, white glueL‘ oreille de l’artiste (The artist’s ear) 2021; plaster, acrylic paint, lacquer, blockboard, paper with typewriter letteringThe Man with the Golden Helmet 2008, photo, cheese packaging, gold bronze, LED approx. 10x10x3cmProgress of civilisation 2021; inkjet print of digital photo on transfer foil on book (Immanuel Kant; Hugo Renner: Immanuel Kants Werke in acht Büchern. Leinen; A. Weichert; 1920)Untitled (cream cheese) 2021; inkjet printing of digital photo, foam board, lacquer, cream cheese packagingAcademic study 2022; 12x26cm; inkjet print of digital photo (2021) on foam board, lacquer, polystyrene profiles, gold bronzeThe Dress 2021; inkjet print of digital photo on foam board, lacquer, shipping boxNasszellen 2021; inkjet print of digital photos on foam board, food packaging, lacquerThe Black Square (In Its Own Juice) 2020, inkjet print of digital photo (2020) on foam board, lacquer, cardboardLa Liberté guidant le Peuple 2019; Inkjet print of scanned instant photo (2010), chipboard, edge banding, lacquer, plastic film, approx. 12x15x2 cmProgress of civilzation 2019, Inkjet print of digital photo (2013), book, paint, lacquer, oil pastelsUntitled (The Bride Stripped Bare) 2019; inkjet print of digital photos on foam board, lacquer, wire, dress model, cardboard boxLevitation 2020; inkjet print of digital photo (2009) on foam board, polystyrene packagingUntitled gun study 2018, toy gun, concrete, plastic tube, latexUntitled (Velvet Series) 2013/2014; prints of scanned negative of FP3000B instant film on chipboard, velvet ribbon.Retired Machines 2014; Reproduction of instant film images on black MDF, plastic film.Deep Blue Sea 2014; Reproduction of instant film images on blue MDF, plastic film.The lost tribes 2013, prints of scanned negative of FP3000B instant film, dark grey foam rubberDienstgipfelhöhe (service ceiling) 2012, reproduction of instant film negatives and quartet cards on foam board
Read more about LicetBovi | Klas Rühling