2022; 30 x 30 x 40 cm; inkjet print of digital photo (2022) on foam board, lacquer, mirror, shipping box
Planet B
2022; 48cm x 28cm x 6cm; Print of scanned instant photo (2021) on cardboard, lacquer, cleaning cloth, map, shipping box
Punx not dead (Urtyp)
Punx not dead (Urtyp), 2022; 27 x 8 x 41 cm; inkjet print of digital photo (2019) on foam board, lacquer, beer can tray
Untitled (Expulsion)
2019; Inkjet print from digital photo, light foam board, lacquer, food tray
L‘ oreille de l'artiste
L‘ oreille de l'artiste (The artist's ear), 2021; plaster, acrylic paint, lacquer, blockboard, paper with typewriter lettering
Untitled (The dress)
2021; Inkjet print of digital photo (2019) on light foam board, lacquer, shipping box
Gift Shop
The gift shop, which was a stand-alone installation, was also a proper sales outlet. The offer ranged from fine art prints in limited editions to multiple sets, paperweights and soap to stick-on tattoos. All products are still available.
Untitled gun study
2018, toy gun, concrete, plastic tube, latex
Academic study
Academic study; 2022; 12x26cm; inkjet print of digital photo (2021) on foam board, lacquer, polystyrene profiles, gold bronze. With Bloodysnoopy.
Old white man
2019; Inkjet printing of digital photo, lightweight foam board, emulsion paint, glue, screed concrete, lacquer
The circumstances are more complicated than most people think
2022; objects, each 26,5cm x 18cm x ca. 12cm; inkjet print from digital photo (2019) on light foam board, lacquer, shipping box, stamp.
The circumstances are more complicated than most people think
2022; objects, each 26,5cm x 18cm x ca. 12cm; inkjet print from digital photo (2019) on light foam board, lacquer, shipping box, stamp.
The circumstances are more complicated than most people think
2019/2020; video loop 100 clips played in random order Here: 15 minute excerpt
Untitled gun study
2018, toy gun, concrete, plastic tube, latex
Fortschritt der Zivilisation (Progress of civilisation)
Print from digital photo on transfer foil on book (Fritz Tillmann: Die Heilige Schrift des Neuen Testamentes. Bonn; 1925). With Bloodysnoopy.
The black square (Im eigenen Saft)
The Black Square (In Its Own Juice), 2020, inkjet print of digital photo (2020) on foam board, lacquer, cardboard
Levitation, 2020; inkjet print of digital photo (2009) on foam board, polystyrene packaging. With Rotkäppchen.
Fiat lux
2020; Inkjet print of digital photo on light foam board, cardboard packaging, lacquer, LED lamp, lamp bevelling, cable
The fallen
2020; 210cm x 68cm x 15cm; Print from digital photo (2019) on PVC, MDF, stained wood, lacquer
The black square
Untitled (The Black Square), 2022; 70cm x 130cm; print of digital photo (2021) on foam board, black foam board. With Bloodysnoopy.
Untitled Torso
2021; Print from scanned analogue photo (Polapan 35) on PVC, wood. With Bloodysnoopy.
2020; Inkjet print from digital photo (2019) on light foam board, lacquer, packaging material, LED, shipping box
Dithmarscher Landschaft
Dithmarscher Landschaft (Dithmarschen landscape), 2022; 71cm x 52cm; print of digital photo (2021) on MDF, polystyrene frame, gold bronze, cardboard sign; 71cmx52cm | The sign reads: "Johan Friedrich Meldorp, Dithmarschen landscape, Oil on wood, 1866"
Ideal landscape with nude
Ideal landscape with nude; 2022; inkjet prints of digital photos (2019, 2021) on foam board, lacquer, cardboard
Deutscher Wald / Staatsforst
2010 (Re-edit 2022); video loop with sound
2020; Inkjet print from digital photo (2003) on light foam board, inkjet print from digital photo (2019) on light foam board. With K.K.
2021; inkjet print of digital photos on foam board, food packaging, lacquer
Ideal Landscape
2022; 350x95cm (banner), 300x200cm (stand), print from digital photo (2020) on PVC mesh, eyelets, cable ties, plastic tube, stands, LEDs
Ideal landscape with nude / Frise
2022; inkjet print from digital photo on light foam board, varnish, inkjet print from digital photo (2020) on transfer foil on cotton gauze, brass tube, steel wire, lacquer, modelling clay, shipping box
Ideal landscape with nude
2022, Video Loop 32 clips played in random order Here: 15 Minute except
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LicetBovi’s objects are often related to each other and are not necessarily intended as individual pieces. Thus, an exhibition is not a mere compilation of several artworks, but an installation in itself. This virtual exhibition tour shows the exhibition at Frise Artspace in Hamburg in August 2022.
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